Friday, May 26, 2006

The CODE uncovered!!!

I know none of the films based on books completely follow the book. It's hard to show all the details that a book can so easily hold. John Grisham's THE FIRM starring Tom Cruise even had its climax different from that in the book. But The Da Vinci Code does quite well in 'going by the book'.

But there are some things that are different, a whole lot different. Still that doesn't make the film boring. I have to agree that if you have read the book then you won't appreciate the film as much as it should be. I can tell you from the review from people who haven't read the book, that the film was well made, especially the climax. It was so theatrical I was totally awed. And many of them said that they will now read the book for sure.

The film starts off as the book does. But some of the more passive parts in the book are rightly omitted. Some important parts of the book have been modified a lot. The film runs for around 2 hours and I have to admit, I was bored at after 3/4ths of the film was completed as it just wouldn't go any further. It seemed like it was stuck there for eternity.

The story is narrated well. All important aspects in the film are present, and if you miss part of a scene you may not get the idea. Some of the characters were not well potrayed, or maybe my interpretation of the characters was different when I read the book. The whole discussion on the Holy Grail at Teabing's place is cut short with only the most important aspects presented. But the ones not covered are really very interesting. I don't think people will understand the whole thing in one go if they haven't read the book. But maybe that will make them see it again; like The Matrix. The flashbacks have been nicely fitted in and the whole making is super. They even recreate the past like the Pope and the Church and the riots so well. Special effects rule in this film.

The performances are superb. Tom Hanks is a gifted actor and he does his part as Robert Langdon justice. Audrey Tauaou as Sophia is good, but she could have done better. Ian McKellen as the crazy Teabing is a masterful actor. Jean Reno does well as Capt. Fache. Silas played by Paul Bettany is awesome and people literally gasp when he hits himself with the ropes. Ron Howard is now in a class of his own. After Beautiful Mind, he has made a really good film. Interpreting the book is tough, but he has done well. It is almost like the work of an Oscar-winning director. I say almost as it could have been better. But the bottom line remains that the film is a must see for those who haven't yet read the book and even those who have.

Rating - 4.0/5.0